A/B Test

What is an A/B test?

An A/B test is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage or app against each other to determine which one performs better. ab testing uses data and statistics to validate new design changes and improve conversion rates.

A/B testing allows individuals, teams, and companies to make careful changes to their user experiences while collecting data on the results. This allows them to construct hypotheses and to better learn why certain elements of their experiences impact user behavior.

How to conduct an A/B test:

A minimum of 20-25 users/interactions is recommended per iteration. The more the better!

If you are testing in person, prepare a script and always use the same script to keep the tests consistent. Test with one participant at a time to remove bias from questions and comparisons. Ask the participant to think out loud so you will better understand their thought process. Ask the participant why they selected a certain version.

You can also use a platform like Usability Hub to conduct A/B tests.

Compare qualitative and quantitative data to determine which version performs better, then use the results to iterate on your product.


An A/B test intentionally measures only a single change between two otherwise similar items. The change can be as simple as altering the copy on a button and measuring which is clicked more. Analytics software can be used to facilitate the recording and comparison process.


Running an A/B test with a significant sample size returns quantitative results that are nearly impossible to argue with.


Implementing an A/B test can require some technical know-how depending on the process employed. A general understanding of statistics will help analyze results, but is not required.