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2.0.14 (current version)
- updates 340 and 341 from "Underwritten by The Paul Revere Life Insurance Company," to "Insurance products are underwritten by The Paul Revere Life Insurance Company,"
- adds xt="SPONECLICKOPTOUT" to footers
- Updated preheader code
- Adds spacerTop and spacerBottom to 153
- Adds height control to 155
- 205 changed header alignment from center to left
- Adds 152b
- Adds 218
- released 5/5/2019
- Switched unum headers to default to white background version. 100, 101, 102
- released 4/25/2019
- CTA font size change. 16px to 15px on: 151,153,154d,154e,157,157b,200dc,204e,204i,207,207b,209,211,216,217
- released 3/26/2019
- Adds top and bottom spacer to 205e
- released 2/18/2019
- Adds 200dc. This dynamic centering component might replace 200, 201, 201c, 202, 203, and 204. It brings top and bottom spacers, auto saving, optional subcomponents, and dynamic centering.
- Added optional image in 200dc.
- released 2/6/2019 -> optional image added 2/11/2019
- Adds 300dc. This replaces the recent 300d by doing everything it did plus more. Dynamic centering, dynamic social buttons that work better with different background colors, more optional fields, and perhaps most interesting: auto saving after each change to a field! If this model of auto-saving works well, I may extend it to the other components.
- released 2/1/2019
- Adds 202d.
- released 1/29/2019 (DEV)
- Adds dymanic 154d. Allows you to add or removed all of the parts. (may replace many similar components) This component also doesn't have the fixed 200px height—which might be a design requirement that is no longer desired.
- Adds dymanic 154e. It's a left-aligned version of 154d (only without the icon)
- Adds dymanic 300d. Almost everything in this footer is optional and/or editable.
- released 1/23/2019
- Adds feature to dynamically add/remove CTAs. Clear the ctaText to remove the CTA entirely.
- Adds dynamic cta controls to 100, 102, and 104. (removes 103)
- The version also refactored the dynamic bullet code. 205 and 205e
- released 1/18/2019
- import bug fixed.
- released 1/17/2019
- feature: 205e can now change the image for each bullet. The input field has also been slightly modified to make each item easier to visually identify. Each entry needs to be separated by the | character. This same input formatting was applied to the bullet text.
- feature: 205 received the same input formatting update as the above to 205e.
- bug fix: resolved bug where 156, 157, 157b, and 158 were previously not showing for the Colonial theme.
- released 1/11/2019
2.0: This release is characterized by an entire user-interface update. Many other updates are also included.
- adds 157b_header_banner_image-h1-cta-left
- inverse preset options for 156, 157, 157b, 158
- adds 207b_body_grey_1column_left_image-h2-p-cta_center
- 214 appears to be a copy of 208, so made 214 left aligned
- renamed 2080 to 208b
- renamed 2010 to 201c
- colonial footers have top colorbar added
- removed the word-based-hyphen-insertion-wrapping behavior from Inky
- 205 square bullets for Colonial theme
- 160 161 161b and 162 added for Colonial theme
- adds 150b 204e 204i 205e 302s 320s 321s
- implements new birch-manual3 templates
- released 1/10/2019
Build your email using the email components from the birch email framework.
Each component template has been built with Inky and tested with Litmus.
Help us make this better! ux@unum.com
Start from scratch:
Or start with a template:
Colonial Life
Global email settings
0 of 0
0 of 0
Create your email by adding components.
Click on the component preview to add it into your email. Then click the full-size component to edit it.
Social icons: